GlentarnWhat do you want for your business?

You want to Start?
You want to Grow?
To Serve Customers Better/Quicker/Cheaper?
To Meet Regulations without red tape?
To Minimise Risks to your Team?
To be more Profitable?
To Prepare for the Future?

Glentarn can help business owners achieve all of this and more.

We recognise that getting and acting on advice for your business is a big step.
We promise we will make it work for you, and will be more enjoyable than you expect.


Glentarn Consultants provides practical advice to businesses with a simple, jargon free approach. We use our experience and industry knowledge to assess businesses and suggest where we can implement improvements which will, for example, improve customer service, reduce costs, and increase efficiency.

Our Start and Finance activity can help companies prepare business plans, get loan funding for new businesses and ensure that companies make the most of R&D tax credits which may be due to them.

Our Business Review Service provides a comprehensive assessment, and identifies areas where improvement work will have the greatest and fastest impact.

Our Quality System work enables companies to implement and develop systems which meets the standards in an effective way while satisfying ISO assessors. We then build on these systems to make quality improvement an everyday part of what happens in the business.

In Operational Management we help companies the business capitalise on their own capabilities to improve their processes, making them quicker, simpler, cheaper and more customer focussed.

As well as general Health and Safety advice, we are specialists in policies and procedures to mitigate the risks which substance abuse can present to the business, its workforce and its directors.

If any of these have been causing you as a business owner or director to have sleepless nights, why not grasp the nettle now and contact us – the way forward is probably simpler, easier and more rewarding than you expect.

"I'll go anywhere as long as it's forward."

David Livingstone